Comments on: The Power of Self-Actualization and How to Build It Into Your Routine A Lifestyle Blog Thu, 04 Aug 2022 01:41:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brittany Chaffee Thu, 04 Aug 2022 01:41:37 +0000 In reply to Katie.

Hi, Katie! I’m so glad this plopped on your virtual lap when you needed it most! Growth doesn’t always feel like an intentional improvement – THAT gives me so much ease. And it’s so true! I often don’t realize I’m growing when I’m changing, until I look back later. So, it’s a good reminder to move forward and take the time to know who we are 🙂 Here’s to growth! xoxo ~Brittany

By: Katie Wed, 03 Aug 2022 14:01:25 +0000 This was so timely for me! I especially like your specific list of what does and doesn’t do it for you. Something to consider, that I was recently discussing with my therapist… Growth doesn’t always feel like an intentional improvement of yourself. Sometimes growth is taking a risk or trying something new, and having it not work out, and learning something about yourself. You actually already said it – “I quickly realize we are a lot like nature, and the only constant is change.” Change IS growth.

By: Brittany Chaffee Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:04:08 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

Hello, Jessica! This is so interesting and I’m glad you could find peace reading this (as much as I found peace writing it). And yes! Self meditating can help us understand who we are (of course I am no therapist) but I find it so intriguing that my thoughts align with what you’re working on! Thank you for commenting and enjoying! xoxo Brittany

By: Jessica Sat, 30 Jul 2022 08:06:24 +0000 I’ve been doing this intentionally for a while without knowing the proper name of it. It is, for me, a result of things that I learned from therapy like journalling or simply taking the time to write about my thoughts to understand a specific situation better, meditating to find stillness, and putting aside some time to connect with myself, my feelings, to accept them. I often refer to it in my head as my time to process my thoughts in a councious way (as opposed to what we do when sleeping). So I need to agree that self actualization is a very good name for it.
